5 Rescue Principles from the System

Photo by Ronda Darby on Unsplash

5 Rescue Principles from the System


2 min read

Search for Truth

What you get taught in school is not always right. When you present a different opinion, you are punished with low marks. So, you are forced to believe what the system wants you to believe in. Also, what you believe is not always right. And what others say is also not always right. So, ask your beliefs, and again question your answers and go too deep until you find the reason why you believe something and what the ultimate logical truth is. Then establish a truth for yourself.

Evaluate Current Beliefs

Ask yourself what beliefs are currently holding you back. Then find out where those limiting beliefs come from. Then see if that belief is rooted in ultimate truth or rooted in a condition(belief system created by society and government). After knowing the limiting beliefs, you can unwire them if they are rooted in the conditions.

Listen, after you unwire your limiting beliefs and find your truth, your truth might be different than the truth of society. Now, you have to prepare and program yourself mentally to stick with your belief system(unless you get a valid fact to change it) even if it costs you your life.

Have a Great Mentor

Greatness creates greatness. History shows all great philosophers were not just born out of thin air. One taught another and so on. Having a great experienced mentor(who has achieved what you want to achieve) for yourself will drastically increase the chances of you succeeding.

Find your Curriculum

Finding a curriculum doesn't mean binding yourself to a course book. It means truly discovering your passion and a field that will help you to be free. For eg, if you like coding then go for it. But, follow the truth as well. Don't just blindly follow what the institute tells you to do.

Search for Intense Hardship

Seek intense struggle that will make you disciplined and have self-control. Only then you will be able to become a better version of yourself. Getting too much dopamine will make you search for more. Do dopamine detox and remember no pain, no gain.

Credit: Iman Gadzhi